Fundación La Motita Blanca, Inc.
is a federally recognized 501c3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization. As such, donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
EIN: 66-0962253
One of our project will support services to parents in the community who are not trained to assist their children in academic tasks. The goal of the Program is to cover those deficiencies in skills so that they can improve their academic performance.
Let's help to bring our children's back to the learning room
Contribution less than $500. You're invited to give any amount by credit card, or PayPal. These methods are safe and secure, and we’ll email you a receipt for your records.
You can change lives through your donations
Your donations will provide essential support in our programmes and play a vital role in changing lives
Somos una organización exclusivamente para propósitos caritativos y de beneficencia con bases cristiana. Sus aportaciones van dirigidos a servir a los mas necesitados. Para mas información de como realizar sus donaciones por favor llame al 787-346-4188
We are an organization exclusively for charitable purposes based in the christian principles to care for the people. Your contributions are used to serve to those most in need.
For more information about donations please call 787-346-2700
Sending a check donation
We accept check donations to FUNDACION LA MOTITA BLANCA INC. Due to COVID-19, please mail checks to 107 Estancias de Santa María, Manatí, Puerto Rico 00674
Others programs:
Potable Water Distribution
Support Food Distribution
Health Clinics, Vaccination
Christmas Dinner with the community of Barceloneta, Puerto Rico
The La Motita Blanca Inc Foundation sponsored a dinner, music and Gifts with the Garrochales community as part of the recovery initiative. Thanks to the support of Walmart, Party City, Cotsco, Purple Ocean, Selectos, Florida Coop, Rancel Transporte, Municipality of Barceloneta and Iglesia Roca de Refugio.